-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Reading/Writing FW of 'Miracast' [1] and similar machines. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Obtain a ~straight~ (not 'Y') usb cable that fits your unit. 2) While pressing and holding the button on the unit, plug in the usb cable. 3) Miracast will enumerate! Mine is 2207:292a. If yours differs, change the magic constant in the included patch. 4) If you have the serial cable, you will see something like this in your terminal: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DDR Version 1.04 20130517 In DDR3 300MHz Bus Width=16 Col=10 Bank=8 Row=14 CS=1 Die Bus-Width=16 Size=256MB Memory OK OUT BUILD=====7 SdmmcInit=0 20 emmc reset for reinit emmc reset for reinit SdmmcInit=2 20 Spi_ChipId = ef4019 magic = fcdc8c3b OK! 93079 unsigned! no sys part. SecureBootEn = 0 0 Boot ver: 2013-09-06#1.38 RECOVERY key is pressed UsbBoot,130415 UsbHook,783970 powerOn,783993 942841 UsbConnected 1096003 UsbConnected 1206284 UsbConnected ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note that you do not actually need the terminal to read and write the EEPROM! But ~testing~ a new firmware without the serial cable will prove very painful - just as with Pogo. Warm up the soldering iron and attach the cable! 5) Keep in mind that all units given to 'rkflashtool' are in blocks (512 byte). E.g., ./rkflashtool r 0x00 0x680 extracts the boot partition. 6) See rkflashtool.c for how to write fw and reboot the machine (convenient.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1] http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-07-2015#1207435 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux) iQEcBAEBCgAGBQJVrpaBAAoJELmCKKABq//H2A8H/038nogcuqrr9SI04dfUBv2R +u3cRpa8HflNPTZAZN/gKOuNvUJpcuyVJhI5oMdFxsy3F1DoAP92TGk1hDjAVBNR OzQEyZjFJ49l+8EGQhqAJxbcWqh9tXseU8A7aTdjSxGV9u8mwIURFq6XcMGjkyTZ ZtfjkpU6mQK5r7bfKr6NO++6/axZbkbmh3lWXGISX22QnDGD1l1fNs0frlm0pMkM XYs3o9kQH61sPhGgyZqHSHWr2QUj38jUGKUzeAExoABaLbFqhjxRZJ7fnF6c/YkV wsS42bK372nGk4r3E0Wq7LtZ8+wMEyjxQ8dhwcd8EFex0k9Ct2PKV8O/3THVtp8= =WZUa -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----