-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 I would have called it m16.sh, but it's not quite roll-around-on-a-sandy-river-bed battle-ready. Automates as much as possible of the process of downloading + compiling dependencies and compiling static bitcoinds. This is obviously dangerous. I've written various hash checks into the thing, and the downloading steps at least are cached. Can be run as a script: $ ./ak47.sh For those who like to touch workpieces while the lathe spins, comment out the line that says "set -xeu", and the function calls at the very bottom of the script, and then: $ source ak47.sh After which all of the individual functions will be available in your shell. This is useful for debugging (for example) why boost won't compile. Or whatever. Execute functions defined in ak47.sh thusly: $ check_dependencies or: $ compile_bitcoin -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJVsDwnAAoJEPAbzAMu8lJH3UoP/0dItNeQOMxiEmCvb8Lfr0Uu u3pCCvQpywR+E1+5l6Ym/iiC6YIxWDtikIhhK59Uj9e7hv9VNoVDUWc9Jv4VK4w9 TaYuJ9T41FAL6ibjXzrX5yyj5k3bXQNdxed2fEwKet3IL+ViacPd1yiEOuVMy4o7 3DquKIwBo/t3nwhn8rXw5A9A6Az7Pu6gHsMh3UgxX0PxkMlAwTZSpxe2e52bZYix zMkziN89NcTbQsRWFyWxNsRuj5fA2oNHS6m1PaYUelepPGVOkFo+pmn7j7uSYUxl CR+Kdjif5ZI9IqAxchhayEaCEhCMdhiARr49Tm0rLwUs7ZJjRTHMvo1nR+1avWSB cgXLzVAkmbPhVV2/HyH44oNaxrnOCqLrchA7RYxv3yf0xuHggbCW6URdVjoES+z6 M5nvKskAqq5gqjtnkfjiBxy3DlmKqsKjYyPjYLv8xZ9rmCbZQA5fT//q9XPWCxmO teWzKT12J4oa66gDUTSU3ANdd350ldGs7tmfsm+sYj1kDkQxmMlMdnZCqXLPH9e9 vPIa+AwbNseifz3gqEEBhiSLUdS1YeJyeq3ypWIkgEPnTMuKBNPOFdQ9+rS/C7kY 1ktvSq0lMDHQkyZ7RlW38Ky++mNRWlHydfvM+Hje/lLS2fMefwtGe27SPF+qeHyJ /6JPn4HserxRYGixlQEp =hBIH -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----