-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 ..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation: Creating, Naming And Submitting A Vpatch ]::.. [ Date: 2015.09.04 ] [ Version: 0.0.3 ] [ Author: mod6 [R.01] ] Introduction]: With the recent implementation of `V' [R.02] by asciilifeform [R.03] this document requires a third revision to ensure a consistant methodology for creating, naming and submitting a vpatch. 0x00] Creating the Patch: With all of the signed vpatches from The Bitcoin Foundation applied via `V', follow these next steps to copy over the `pressed' source so you can make the changes for your patch and then output the vpatch of the changes with `vdiff.sh' [R.04]. mkdir -p a b cp -pr bitcoin a && cp -pr bitcoin b Now that you have the patched source copied into ``a'' and ``b'': cd b Now you should make your changes to the code as necessary. 0x01] Naming and Numbering the Vpatch: Once the code changes are complete, create a vdiff of the changes: vdiff.sh a b > patchname.vpatch [ Example ]: vdiff.sh a b > mod6_fix_dumpblock_params.vpatch 0x02] Signing the Patch: The Bitcoin Foundation requires that you use a PGP Detached Signature to sign your vpatch file. Sign the vpatch as follows with strict adherence to the nomenclature: gpg --armor --output .vpatch..sig \ --detach-sig .vpatch [ Example ]: gpg --armor --output mod6_fix_dumpblock_params.vpatch.mod6.sig \ --detach-sig mod6_fix_dumpblock_params.vpatch 0x03] Submitting the Patch To send your patch(s) to the BTC-Dev [R.05] mailing list, first you need to create a PGP signed message and then attach your vpatch file(s) and your detached signature file(s) to the email. Also, create a clear-signed message detailing vpatch(s) contained in the submission. The BTC-dev [R.05] mailing list won't broadcast messages that aren't PGP signed with a PGP key in the #bitcoin-assets WoT [R.06]. Your submission must be signed with a key that has positive ratings with respect to `assbot`'s L2 [R.07]. [ References ]: [R.01]: 027A 8D7C 0FB8 A166 4372 0F40 7217 05A8 B71E ADAF [R.02]: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-August/000160.html [R.03]: 1721 5D11 8B72 3950 7FAF ED98 B982 28A0 01AB FFC7 [R.04]: http://deedbot.org/deed-372115-1.txt [R.05]: http://thebitcoin.foundation/mailman/listinfo/btc-dev [R.06]: http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/ [R.07]: http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/assbot/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (FreeBSD) iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJWCq4ZAAoJEHIXBai3Hq2v/AAQAKasnQ8xrlHQMzckrbw/PuUr m4cPzte05nX7/md4cwBgRA3XUiNFCc9cgCXMSuUdf5dTd9tg1GOo4gV39bx5ENR/ p1oKeAVZf2uhIv/hXU3LRH25lCeQaQpftlbbUkIglL6fwUkR7EpvEvXecm/Hk0KQ Y9KQdZibRbiiVN9fHVhqbRrAcjUDK5EwNLYBdpIQ6LA/fuqJCgANiRK2hMY4mbEx mkQKSPQ/kmxLmduY3RGxh+Uo12MxyMIEjFpUxlvYMsAU2VL434VfrijT+rAVoe9K Mh0UShGikL0nHE2W2ufqbe3WgVsAE0vDWD3OU8YDmFRG/DAikgcB2EEO+QpqBh3w LHfUNyOnjCe21+mmX3w1b+aWi04vDP/0CtxjvtYI1dPUiHCSO5d5KKigezEfgEmd W3qKRVz8BvGeNwCRr4/y8636x6xJ8rXzRZtk8HyfCJCYbiJMwBqNrz2UMoQUre4Y NIul1XFFCuVO673IkLahafGLDg4V/II5rw+ngbjFJ602ZaIMPB2X032VWDUnERnj bYi+jE+Vvl1Nep2s4bleoeJaZV1B6iiK/G0olbUelwwwv3sbtLffo619dGSu44MI rY27FxUHv0xpn7VmQtOsVkCsopksf7k4Ft2SYSU9F+05CJb56tK4IqxR8g4EDKQb AyDbXqbRx5ZWOOfdPqiO =I966 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----