-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 I'd like to announce a new version of V with Cucumber Tests: version 99998 K !!! Please read the v_testing_guide.txt before proceeding any further with !!! running the Cucumber automated tests. Change Log for V version 99998 K: 0x01: Changed V's default usage of ~/.gnupg to a temporary directory: `~/.gnupgtmp'. This directory is created upon execution and will remove it upon exiting. If ~/.gnupgtmp exists when `v.pl' is executed, V will die and stating the directory exists. Also added supporting subroutines: `make_tmpdir' and `remove_tmpdir'. 0x02: Removed the usage of the 'each' keyword in three different subroutines: `traverse_desc', `traverse_ante' and `get_signatories'. Usage of 'each' is to be avoided and was the cause behind some versions of perl giving errors at execution time. 0x03: In accordance with refactorizations in 0x02, the 'no warnings "experimental"' line and subsequent comment were removed. 0x04: Changed the requirement for Graph::Easy to be installed before execution. Now, Graph::Easy is only required when the user passes the `g' or `graph' commands to `v.pl'. 0x05: Added a helper subroutine to return the executing user's home directory. 0x06: Removed some extraneous GPG import statement crud to the terminal. 0x07: Corrected a spelling error to the word `initial'. 0x08: Removed an overlooked debug statement denoted with an `XXX' comment in the `press_vpatches' subroutine. 0x09: Replaced `exit -1' statements in `main' subroutine with `return'. This will allow for main to return and still call `remove_tmpdir' afterwards. 0x0A: Added a number of calls to `remove_tmpdir' preceding previous places where `die' is called. 0x0B: Changed calls to `open' in the `print_graph' subroutine for backwards compatibility to perl v5.005. 0x0C: Updated `v.pl' version and corresponding documentation to `99998 K'. Cucumber Changes: 0x01: Updated Scenario titles to reflect the proper annotation tags. 0x02: Updated the cleanup scenario @cleanup to remove ~/.gnupgtmp directory instead of ~/.gnupg after test execution. 0x03: Updated step definition to ensure initial spelling is correct. 0x04: Updated step definition to look for version 99998 K. Testing: The changes denoted above were tested with the Cucumber automation tests: all passed. The ability to expediently test the changes to the core functionality such as in section 0x02 above was paramount. Manual tests were conducted on the following versions of perl: v5.005 v5.10 v5.12 v5.18 v5.20 If you run into any issues or defects with this version please let me know in #bitcoin-assets or via email. The following files are attached to this email with their PGP signatures: v.pl v_quick_start.txt v_users_manual.txt v_testing_guide.txt Command.pm v.feature v_steps.pl cukes-V-20151108.tar.gz Thanks to asciilifeform and mircea_popescu for their input. Thanks also goes out to shinohai who helped test these changes. Enjoy! -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (FreeBSD) iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJWP7lWAAoJEHIXBai3Hq2vFKMQAKL5sKYDIZiJa8s6S4bZ3HVI dnBKAFT1qJc6tkxiFSKMLb6m8HVrb71kkuzCXkl1DbDu3cNRoBtJhiPWo5v7sIkq 9m1xjY5mgyPUIAYH19QzOCHdttfe5KN1y4frUGCmNjg2ZyC1KLan2B7pWLTPPN0C iu8vqB+O6pDiYFocDPbqhSznwX0zdZdyWR35n1cm2zoxRRdf2FBCEUvzklxcjjR7 ByT2i0PbJaXQNG0C5UNj9V+Y7Ef3fYvoWsqrJMIK2naUsLEGwNx+bBefvK8jXsbO jker1UEeBINX3U1zVsrIH2Cl6/3ZrlzrpwSwUJ8JV8MZD8vWOGQKfTDS9Hfl86ZX FJz99TGbkgb9qbGUjIo3DekqmukH6fRUCF7EIXUZWFBeY/+kDfS0OvDZPTOS8+in MpZDlwpEty+Myx0s147C3wiw0BSWGKoWilOkcf6sKkUYT4V18vDzgcl86Y0D5qNc LVHaMX+EHTHa9kjWuuosIV4TAiUz9EaCsEMbsW5By8Zv0K9tqsQ/EcHQP8Aj8dI/ wA64kSB3ooPOMpQ1IgHDnLaFCVzaONZyfXsH7xdc1wBqdWFT73xgpJF9bcd3gRHo 8zGKs9NAzXUmz6l1gcV9TB9Dvsenk6ElIbBvqFHyFCG/r29AoMahlGzmBvuR+U7S vJSIsU2rbWbv16Y2+3m1 =PYTU -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----