-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 ..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation: STATE OF BITCOIN ADDRESS ]::.. [ Date: 2015.11.30 ] [ Co-Chairs: mod6 [R.01] && ben_vulpes [R.02] ] 0x00] Introduction It is with great honor and privilege that The Bitcoin Foundation embraces this opportunity to address the public on the state of current progress, obstacles and continuing steps in our mission. 0x01] Accomplishments [ V ]: mod6 completed version [99998 K] of V in perl [R.03]; please refer to to the email posted to the BTC-Dev list for a detailed change log. During the course of the month, mod6 found a defect in V version [99998 K]. A new version [99997 K] [R.04] containing a fix was released; please refer to the email posted to the BTC-Dev list for a detailed change log. 0x02] Complications and Obstacles 0x03] Continuing Steps The road to v0.5.4-RELEASE: The Bitcoin Foundation has been working toward a new release of the Reference Implementation. What is outlined below are the remaining tasks for completion. [ Documentation ]: A number of documents need to be updated and created. 0x031: ``Patching The Reference Implementation'' 0x032: v0.5.4-RELEASE ChangeLog.txt 0x033: v0.5.4-RELEASE README.txt [ Sign and Host Third Party Dependencies ]: The Bitcoin Foundation will cryptographically sign and host the dependencies for the Reference Implementation as well as for buildroot. This will be the case for both x86-64 and i386 versions. The work required here is well underway. It stands currently as the largest task to complete. [ v0.5.4-TEST2 Testing ]: Last month mod6 mentioned a script in the last State of Bitcoin Address to automate the building of TEST2 via V in the `rotor'. This script was updated since then, but has not yet been posted to the mailing list. The reason being that the script will get some further changes once the third party dependencies are signed and posted to their new home at The Bitcoin Foundation website. This script in current form is for x86-64 only, a i386/i686 version has been written but needs some updates and much more testing. If anyone wants to help test the i386/i686 version please let mod6 know. Still stay tuned to the mailing list. [ Sign & Post Vpatches ]: mod6 and ben_vulpes will each need to sign and post the vpatches to be included in the v0.5.4-RELEASE. In addition to the currently unreleased simple release vpatch that joins the current leaves in the topological source tree. 0x04] Conclusion The Bitcoin Foundation would like to bestow our sincerest thanks and gratitude to the contributors and community for its support and insight. [ References ]: [R.01]: 027A 8D7C 0FB8 A166 4372 0F40 7217 05A8 B71E ADAF [R.02]: 4F79 0794 2CA8 B89B 01E2 5A76 2AFA 1A9F D2D0 31DA [R.03]: http://thebitcoin.foundation/ml/btc-dev/2015-November/000178.html [R.04]: http://thebitcoin.foundation/ml/btc-dev/2015-November/000180.html EOF -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (FreeBSD) iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJWXQgaAAoJEHIXBai3Hq2vOikP/30EqbUTsbb9tOjzIACkab6g G0AZIA5Mb4Xfa4qdlG/UBFA16Xo6WwobNfvTDBaSE2NPqDZ2iBgRbi9hVARgfjHM 13NrB7XzEo6S91rvcfEErQu7+W5M4554SPM1VEvnYln5pwEINo6ebpLSWoXSJDOq oCKpXGjwgFSJldPrDMwnfOi12F/kgdk46zACMwlxeR+Xgw9Rn/kxIrIVek0RloXd pYWl7mjg4D4iAWqPp0RHgCe3z+g3KcsEs8Mt+QJq0eDtbRV8MoaUwh2bIf+HgAW7 sRpQxETz+72o16QA8yIF1vYSb6D3ONdHFDZimFx6xXimrpTqUQ7lgbLFCxT94UeH L/3K2SMwKspyLkiuECntyxz2pfaCAUYMWkcTKq8aWkyBuDN4//BcLZ7lS4fzoIac jLwvza2VkLlAvoMkztbhck9A4PKzXYYB4EpQjZpz0uNJ8iB4sA6uHpbFdDt+mylh +Q5dVo7VzS0aph2yUYHxHDZ8N4H3i6lq3f+sJ3tE7LNrdwvHbN8bPzFLSpne14zx mOjOQ8Y2Zm5/by2NN/yi5O/zHmylHWvYO78LmoTKgDnQ0bogJoXwQHr/Z7r4Rdil NOVGlBIRdXWOWmVBlPVaoSLNCeW+jY4ACMl6DKnHhfdxnntnut5f2tiaX4P0eU6X tVvYg0f6ydVGTY4G0tiw =2yVr -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----