-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 ..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation: STATE OF BITCOIN ADDRESS ]::.. [ Date: 2016.05.30 ] [ Co-Chairs: mod6 [R.01] && ben_vulpes [R.02] ] 0x00]: Introduction It is with great honor and privilege that The Bitcoin Foundation embraces this opportunity to address the public on the state of current progress, obstacles and continuing steps in our mission. 0x01]: Accomplishments mod6 completed and published the first generally available version of `t' (a command line utility) [R.03]. As stated in the mailing list [R.04] message [R.03]; mod6 has been implementing an interface to `t' in the form of an irc bot (`tbot') for usage by The Foundation and The Most Serene Republic. In addition, mod6 also updated the Reference Implementation Ticket list [R.05], as well as the corresponding ascii [R.06] and svg [R.07] graphs. The Foundation would like to take this opportunity to thank shinohai [R.08] for his dedication in the testing of `t'. 0x02]: Complications and Obstacles 0x03]: Continuing Steps mod6 will work towards completing `tbot' and putting it to use in #trilema for usage by the Republic. Upon which time, there may well be some time spent on better outlining tickets related to the Reference Implementation. Beyond the completion and deployment of tbot, mod6 will return to completing Reference Implementation tasks outlined in tickets. 0x04]: Conclusion The Bitcoin Foundation would like to bestow our sincerest thanks and gratitude to the contributors and community for its support and insight. [ References ]: [R.01]: 027A 8D7C 0FB8 A166 4372 0F40 7217 05A8 B71E ADAF [R.02]: 4F79 0794 2CA8 B89B 01E2 5A76 2AFA 1A9F D2D0 31DA [R.03]: http://thebitcoin.foundation/ml/btc-dev/2016-May/000223.html [R.04]: http://thebitcoin.foundation/mailman/listinfo/btc-dev [R.05]: http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/tickets.html [R.06]: http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/trb_ascii_ticket_graph.txt [R.07]: http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/trb_ticket_graph.html [R.08]: 260F A57B CE67 7A5C 04BF 60BA 4A75 883C C1B1 D34C EOF -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (FreeBSD) iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJXTi9KAAoJEHIXBai3Hq2vxswQAJ7smvrAC1D0Mlz0jB0gkXp0 TLgTH30jZaanT0t9V5LRxr3d+fV3yQGyYmGQ2ikOP+GHOOtEQYX11X+WTTImekCv ywQP0uZaKL4NqiEwhMKAbSpPVim0QK3whw1sktlwdvCGhZiLSnP1L7WbmAuFXrpO 9JTrqV7PBOfVsRS1jaJRNMJ6IoOP+4FlcgO0Iy0t9zrPQRsdfFHBmRWgHp6ZTAvS GyDfAP5sULCIMzJlGtbzWElJNha1/pcF+rvGJGYXaEo74Fm42N7rVqpmnXQcTUVh t1Aft8IRGlKPRRAWFk3DU04nOfqXg8WLDytknkWpo9vEwTJU2V0Wz64b2OiAHCL0 6+YqcrKKTF8dD+LdjuAqIGV3O/cHqjBYjf27puLIyRFqAeHwJIb/Thdp3TuSmuVb Ahy/z4ycGFvsUa4fZoE2egeaduEP8Ds2X4S9j9HjAmPVMOah0PaXenyCDz3GQb/q CQO/QC4/EbWOWG2XVLuDY9pe18VmHu7NLwRGpm0pg6dt5qf99pcR3VauHh4WUwfq wChTPi/zrk4AXlPtloawP3nQqhm9KFedUMV3/NAQOuTaSheb6duZoRiIOVyg0d+N NnZmGr5/thc2lw7mXOPHB0YCNEmZRaGYmc6IJR8UgEwUN0n3D35IFQZ0V/gmU3RZ jb9CXWGuDiu0CH/5VsiD =JA4G -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----