0x01) make a new trb directory: `mkdir trb` 0x02) `cd trb` 0x03) `curl -s http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20160220.tar.gz -o V-20160220.tar.gz` 0x04) `curl -s http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20160220.tar.gz.mod6.sig -o V-20160220.tar.gz.mod6.sig` 0x05) `mkdir .wot` 0x06) Get the following keys from deedbot [freenode.net], and place them in '.wot': [ /msg deedbot !!key asciilifeform ] [ /msg deedbot !!key ben_vulpes ] [ /msg deedbot !!key mircea_popescu ] [ /msg deedbot !!key mod6 ] [ /msg deedbot !!key trinque ] Save the PGP public keys and name them as follows: asciilifeform.asc ben_vulpes.asc mircea_popescu.asc mod6.asc trinque.asc `gpg --import mod6.asc` `mv asciilifeform.asc ben_vulpes.asc mircea_popescu.asc mod6.asc trinque.asc .wot` 0x07) `gpg --verify V-20160220.tar.gz.mod6.sig V-20160220.tar.gz` 0x08) `tar -xf V-20160220.tar.gz` 0x09) `./v.pl i http://thebitcoin.foundation` 0x0A) `./v.pl p v trb54 makefiles.vpatch` 0x0B) `cd trb54/bitcoin` 0x0C) `make ONLINE=1` 0x0D) Upon successful build, `bitcoind' will be placed in 'trb54/bitcoin/bin'