-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 ..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation: STATE OF BITCOIN ADDRESS ]::.. [ Date: 2017.06.29 ] [ Co-Chairs: mod6 [R.01] && ben_vulpes [R.02] ] 0x00]: Introduction It is with great honor and privilege that The Bitcoin Foundation embraces this opportunity to address the public on the state of current progress, obstacles and continuing steps in our mission. 0x01]: Accomplishments The Foundation put continued effort into development and testing of various proposed, and experimental vpatches. pete_dushenski [R.03] published his `getpeerinfo' backport after a number of republicans tested it manually. [R.04] [R.05] mod6 continued development to enhance The Reference Implementation makefiles by moving the `deps' operations outside of the bitcoin project directory. Testing of the proposed changes is on-going. [R.06] Grooming of The Reference Implementation backlog has started, and will continue into next month. 0x02]: Continuing Steps Work will continue on proposed experimental changes and other existing tickets into July. 0x03]: Conclusion The Bitcoin Foundation would like to bestow our sincerest thanks and gratitude to the contributors and community for its support and insight. [ References ]: [R.01]: 027A 8D7C 0FB8 A166 4372 0F40 7217 05A8 B71E ADAF [R.02]: 4F79 0794 2CA8 B89B 01E2 5A76 2AFA 1A9F D2D0 31DA [R.03]: E662 5CC1 4638 C4CA 4046 94E9 1657 4992 9F9A 6BDD [R.04]: http://thebitcoin.foundation/ml/btc-dev/2017-June/000267.html [R.05]: http://www.contravex.com/2017/06/15/the-lord-hath-no-fury-like-a-keyboard-monkey-scorned-a-beschaulich-vpatch-saga/ [R.06]: http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/trb_tickets.html#36 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (FreeBSD) iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJZVtA7AAoJEHIXBai3Hq2vBCIQALfD8lRLJUhDOnIlUoNiUlSm lJ9yLM1jsY+WKekIiuEuqgAGAouKHzULl2Inwkp4YSojIPxHF223lsG8ZsIfYOqR qj1PyxNce7FWZvuC8cW25W/PYZsCjYYudxvAXgHIRi4BBwALvW27Ah0O0WOsasEH JIl+F1cVyR5ScM5Mb9EFU4czoehp2FHs7Kvzy0UCclQnMsgeOZDxAo45+9WzEP/s RypfSubciU0e587WEhZ1tOOteHM5U2X8tgGExe3GCl6JZ5pecDhww8HfNMyiJLtb pscE10x72W3P/cXFf+56oAaLuymOcjkWTJLu/FupayAqDGVErfW50V9dPFY6apYZ GHAAGDWYQAFLM2fr0Fvy6SItZSiMd8qDmEe6s8yQeYp8tFu/tcnsxCoS6ctvmg8l 8Hy7dCeaZi1hJ5H7Llo03B8UNksc4RX4BCs8s+uB0Rf7R+iI/AnvjWaxim4MY7BR jl5iy4s3f4mDSe9P0/+wmAetVDn5hE6OZ7pyUA4tBKq/UArW8Dl3uoVwS2+HdeXz VfeCZQE9KwI9fznaqkiZ5xbSd7eEWOMoLEf1YeW4aJk060LYqF7lSEMxvEMbgJHx jn+QPmoTLQvOwTlwSA0QRHyJVHWjuyP1JskrvIUE2CquDilK4kTZvo+93J1h3mwJ v40Ovg9KWb1shcJE1JVE =QwG6 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----