-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 ..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation: STATE OF BITCOIN ADDRESS ]::.. [ Date: 2018.03.28 ] [ Co-Chairs: mod6 [R.01] && ben_vulpes [R.02] ] 0x00]: Introduction It is with great honor and privilege that The Bitcoin Foundation embraces this opportunity to address the public on the state of current progress, obstacles and continuing steps in our mission. 0x01]: Accomplishments 0x010: diana_coman's [R.03] node added to the list of Advertised Republican Nodes [R.04]. 0x011: In accordance with section 0x020 in last months report [R.05], mod6 created a post [R.06] outlining a possible regrind of not only the The Bitcoin Reference Implementation Genesis, but also any descendant vpatches. This is subject to change, as phf [R.07] is producing new vtools [R.08]. Regrinding all trb vpatches with keccac hashes will be considered. More to come on this. 0x012: One of the Foundation's two 1U Rack Mount Servers made it to Pizarro. The server is up and running in the Pizarro rack, and the full trb node on it is currently syncing. 0x02]: Complications and Obstacles 0x020: There were complications with transporting all of the freight down to Pizarro; simply, too much weight in the packed bags [R.09]. The decision was made at the last possible moment to leave one of the Foundation's servers behind. The server is safely in the care of ben_vulpes. As such, that second server will most likely be racked somewhere locally; however, it will probably be shipped down to Pizarro at a later date when we have a well vetted courier to utilize. 0x021: mod6 noticed during the month that his node was falling behind the current block, several times. This was investigated with ben_vulpes, asciilifeform [R.0A], and trinque [R.0B]. To help further the investigation, mod6 rebuilt his own trb with debug symbols, as well as with ben_vulpes's excise hash truncation vpatch [R.0C]. The latter helps greatly and aught to be approved soon for insertion in the official trb vpatch tree. In typical fashion, after mod6's rebuild with the changes and debugging symbols, the problem has not yet returned. When it does, mod6 will take a memory dump / core file of the running trb for dissection. However, for now, it seems like the issue may be attributed to a faulty ssd in the server. mod6 will report on this as he has updates. 0x03]: Continuing Steps 0x030: As March was a hectic month, mod6 was not able to tackle the following task from last month, so it's still at the top of the list: Taking a closer look and doing some testing with December's submission of two trb vpatches: One from asciilifeform, ``Aggressive PushGetBlocks'' [R.0D], and from ben_vulpes, ``Increased PushGetBlocks Aggression Level'' [R.0E]. 0x031: Continue to analyze phf's new vtools for accuracy and for build simplicity. 0x032: An important task on mod6's agenda [as well as us all], is to work through asciilifeform's FFA chapters posted [R.0F] to his blog. As soon as time can be reasonably allocated. 0x04]: Expenditures 0x040: 0.12875883 BTC Payment for shipping one 1U Rack Mount Server to Pizarro and hosting expenses [R.10]. 0x05]: Conclusion The Bitcoin Foundation would like to bestow our sincerest thanks and gratitude to the contributors and community for its support and insight. [ References ]: [R.01]: 027A 8D7C 0FB8 A166 4372 0F40 7217 05A8 B71E ADAF [R.02]: 4F79 0794 2CA8 B89B 01E2 5A76 2AFA 1A9F D2D0 31DA [R.03]: E72D CCB7 3A5E 0669 4C5C D781 D519 6EE6 390F 999E [R.04]: http://thebitcoin.foundation/trusted-nodes.html [R.05]: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-March/000292.html [R.06]: http://www.mod6.net/2018/March/12/genesis-regrind [R.07]: BDDE 1210 4FE8 1BE7 F83B 698F 5356 DE47 5243 2A9E [R.08]: http://barksinthewind.com/2018/vtools-vpatch/ [R.09]: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-30#1791095 [R.0A]: 1721 5D11 8B72 3950 7FAF ED98 B982 28A0 01AB FFC7 [R.0B]: FC66 C0C5 D98C 42A1 D4A9 8B6B 42F9 985A FAB9 53C4 [R.0C]: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2017-December/000284.html [R.0D]: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2017-December/000281.html [R.0E]: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2017-December/000283.html [R.0F]: http://www.loper-os.org/?cat=49 [R.10]: http://deedbot.org/deed-515352-1.txt -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (FreeBSD) iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJawGAeAAoJEHIXBai3Hq2vrWoP/2n094HBg6xgPB4hAThfm6fL tMzXht3l+U5Ef+b2kFbM0TlEoytR+5Rf1mVH9kxIJp/760ndxSET5jwYnSVAh9C9 0+wGT8X1nUOheWnBkRwPiFhrjybnaQ78kyBZ/AGN2yxM8zXl1/M7Yc41QAo4aTXs 23Err/fweEJeLgxRxihd+vt1HvW0d1rwiCZ6nbuTyEI0RhRM+Sn2gL0dgRo/avpc J7rpStkn/uywgxWway9hUNDh9E3xis/iuImmrNUnykFSNISn+NLj+PGYSedKwXxS ZyA3An6Qn6KZK94Nq5vTbjJzsoWUdDbrccVQxZ5ZSJrFXisimmGcE39WHWQybhD1 ZCOSxozxCF4tjqK/+Cdtx2D5jeZgukKlAodRXR4ln9t90EWlyKiVxPy+fsPKn+OZ u27OpVwKYF5/CWHs/13P+1duXFpsSzlLxl95c/Vuh5vIG3dgyyYbJk0bpM3Rmo3U OJj5wUhuL/yUgZcKO6XiG5QAr4KJWOvdS6l1PwG/nx4NzWA8l2X9Kje9FRFwSfqg TaUg2Bcf3OWKUECiVV0eIp0xZcbD0ag395tSgEtmq4e4tzrdVh7Zd+PbrKT7zey+ HV2ZKVJbiiPkfpG17PB6PswyTsEQmbzB3Of92OMIpYdXquAASFbK8ehEugQIwL5a w5B3UgqzUZTm0BJenptu =c44z -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----