-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 I have conducted a regrind of the original Excise Hash Truncation vpatch submitted [R.01] by ben_vulpes [R.02]. The vpatch itself consists of removal of numerous substring calls when writing to the log file. Previously, when these log lines are written, a hash would be truncated to the first twenty characters of the hash. This is not helpful when searching through the logs for a specific hash. Additionally, it also includes a removal of a block of commented out debug code. As well as the removal of a superfluous space at the end of the CWalletTX::GetAccountAmounts function signature. The reground vpatch is 'ground on' or based upon the recently added Aggressive PushGetBlocks Vpatch [R.03]. That is to say, the Excise Hash Truncation vpatch now has Aggressive PushGetBlocks as an antecedent (among a handful of others). The vpatch and corresponding seal (signature) files attached to this email have been tested on three different of my TRB environments with the current TRB vtree as it now exists. It compiles and runs in the testing that I have conducted myself. If you would like to help test this reground vpatch, please reach out to me in #trilema and we'll discuss the methods and ways in which to test this with the current TRB vtree. Upon some further testing and review, this vpatch will be added to the main TRB vtree. All the best, mod6 References: [R.01]: http://thebitcoin.foundation/ml/btc-dev/2017-December/000282.html [R.02]: 4F79 0794 2CA8 B89B 01E2 5A76 2AFA 1A9F D2D0 31DA [R.03]: http://thebitcoin.foundation/ml/btc-dev/2018-July/000305.html -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (FreeBSD) iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJbhFqyAAoJEHIXBai3Hq2v7TMQAL6uc/Do2yr+9dwEK+dOFTQK 3G7BK8sfpvFj5wr1zh6GlJZWULy34qm4po7tFBZsNas+SkDIQjpVJe0EqCPfXEqz /EWwgA9IJOu9obCoTh/hcvGsbVfHbMlHoi0AqFLJljJtkQOf5uv6mSIR51PREg/p VI10OQa+jm6OWQiMJpTRSDGJ8Rtsm981Qxh0J+7fl4uc/0cKcM1EASIS932brsj2 T2lPsvFCPzou0ZbI08c5lQ7uBC5MiUx5KcxTh9gve/O/5pddOhkF9L7fMfmLl4q6 973YBWaY+Q+b1iJeqnMD9/9VKver3VG6wWXjhF0p4s9gQPWer8c7U0K06qQhB5HV wss7yBeX/TM0sl9mirqrYNSmPo1KINvscbKWgNtMUGH+WllxdMc/orUl+IJmi2/g uGDsISUacuuMQXMwzTi0GJkOcxJPgVYelF7JcvEKHCEuoox2MEjG+psQXFgCERgZ B5SGhIHfOh5Rmq9VzGzsPB6MXusRC9ouSPPVYXCv2cVmEqU9SuMNCvKQXBnUnDgw iG7v+LeIkJ6zVdiUb/2FhPU+mn/Qb4N6/RfTPI9IP3t/t0UP8acBiRJlSE6Jzijy gMKcSYDppv3xCMHQOC5TfLwPMMLpafZYGmwFLdJfkm5gs+OGSoJA+NsWwYTm+Y9F xRmaP5Ojz6bsHvbvSzGI =lH4Y -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----