-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 ..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation: STATE OF BITCOIN ADDRESS ]::.. [ Date: 2019.03.31 ] [ Co-Chairs: mod6 [R.01] && ben_vulpes [R.02] ] 0x00]: Introduction It is with great honor and privilege that The Bitcoin Foundation embraces this opportunity to address the public on the state of current progress, obstacles and continuing steps in our mission. 0x01]: Accomplishments 0x010: mod6 published a blog post [R.03] detailing how he resolved his Cuntoo booting problems from the previous month. Having a working Cuntoo for development and testing is paramount here; it will eventually become the main platform for TRB. There is still much to do, but the recent activity is a big step in the right direction. 0x011: mod6 spent additional time doing some much needed yak-shaving on his Cuntoo kernel; a job not wholly complete yet, but much improved from where it started from at the end of last month. 0x02]: Continuing Steps 0x020: mod6 in the next month will do some investigatory work into republican tooling configuration on his Cuntoo environment. 0x03]: Expenditures 0x030: 0.04364028 BTC for colocation services at Pizarro [March] [R.04]. 0x04]: Conclusion The Bitcoin Foundation would like to bestow our sincerest thanks and gratitude to the contributors and community for its support and insight. [ References ]: [R.01]: 027A 8D7C 0FB8 A166 4372 0F40 7217 05A8 B71E ADAF [R.02]: 4F79 0794 2CA8 B89B 01E2 5A76 2AFA 1A9F D2D0 31DA [R.03]: http://blog.mod6.net/2019/03/a-cuntoo-adventure-part-two/ [R.04]: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-11#1901417 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (FreeBSD) iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJcpWmhAAoJEHIXBai3Hq2v/DoQAJ2agK+DRdVu1AVdlVbdyM/e lpoD997/14IaAr+9Lb179pDyWY+STqmocKow5ErzdrPSxUXk0I1sQdRNKdv0ObQo beuKGWtWoItcpYzMQ681yRiXe469tRNNaxKzeOQ8p4z1aPRepv7y34O8SugGNSJU TS2MfxyObt5rByP29zvRlTiuMmOwInWi6+88ozyOzRecWPHCrmZary8Ema8mwVHi 5RG15WmlzTNvnBz+RzbRTqjPdErhhqI0yMwdCu+l8neUd7ql4Hz1rR4m11pxgstW gAxSet4MSifzzqxFUNEgXymN9yR5HhbcTPL1hK4CTs041oJTzQApKdV2cZFtZQKS xJj1/nNS/zlPCOyeolXrYsM13iUeUNz6lvIZGz6/I+rTAkirVobl2Fc0ZdclmBp8 +0oRK6CoFK4Bst9dq2CbfgyzuX5Mg2FDPS35JbK2Bm/DZsMBJ+n4k4aGGEy2brRr dNpF7pa3kVvtvj6jdrsaZ5dC7WI9wji1GfbwBgcVRh+PkrYk4A4U9xmQnuPst4WV ANupeJbiEbcsizfqsa0ltb+7oP6f5m8zL9a/aJmCDnHkaxSF9LDfljKjsMvNKTiI GDbcA9T+mzuHbudQkVR/4RFMdZWXif0X2CaPj/IYsXZxqNQJ6dhv+nlfvLa/EZzP HLbmoI9uL5IVomRbQvSC =1oAS -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----